Thursday, November 30, 2006

Corner fireplace

Corner fireplace

A fireplace adds the warmth and comfort you would want to give your home. It brings on a cozy feeling to the entire place and makes the room cheery and bright. Many a times, it is not possible to accommodate a fireplace in the middle of a room in a modern house. This may be because the house was constructed before and had no place for a fireplace in the original plan. Also the room size may be smaller and so a fireplace in the center could end up occupying lots of space. In such circumstances, one can choose to have a corner fireplace.

Why a corner fireplace?

Being in the corner, a fireplace can give your room a distinct look and at the same time not come in the way of your other design or décor plans. Empty corners can now be turned into the brightest spot in the room. A corner fireplace also ensures that seating space is not unnecessarily wasted in the center of the room and you can arrange your furniture as per your requirements. This way, one can blend the entire décor of the room for a uniform look that is elegant and rich at...

More on Corner fireplace

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