Sunday, September 24, 2006

Identity Theft Protection from Credit Card Companies

Identity Theft Protection from Credit Card Companies

Since identity theft has become popular over the years, many banks and credit card companies have started offering identity theft protection to their customers. For a small fee each month, credit card companies will monitor the account, making sure purchases that seem out of the ordinary are brought to the card holder’s attention. Large purchases not made often will cause suspicion. The cardholder will receive a phone call and will be asked if the purchase was made willingly. Taking care of this problem early will help later on. Protecting credit cards is the first defense against theft.

The small fee every month--about ten dollars on the average--also covers stolen or lost cards and serves as a form of identity theft protection. Always report a lost card to the company immediately after discovering it is gone. This step will greatly decrease the chances for successful identity theft.

Reporting lost or stolen cards early will ensure the account will be...

More on Identity Theft Protection from Credit Card Companies

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